
Adding an inflated XML layout as a subview

If you want to place your XML layout as the main contents of your activity just invoke setContentView( your_xml_resource_id ) and everything will be fine, but if you want it to be a subview of existing view the method is totally different:
((LayoutInflater)getSystemService(Activity.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE)).inflate( your_xml_resource_id , your_parent_view);

If you google around about this agenda you'll find codes like this:
View v = activity.getViewInflate().inflate(R.layout.buttons, null, null);
But this never works in my environment. May be Android API has been changed?

XMLレイアウトを、アクティビティのメインコンテンツにしたい場合は、 setContentView( your_xml_resource_id ) でイッパツなんですが、これを既存のビューのサブビューにしたい場合はかなりやり方が違ってきます。

((LayoutInflater)getSystemService(Activity.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE)).inflate( your_xml_resource_id , your_parent_view);

View v = activity.getViewInflate().inflate(R.layout.buttons, null, null);