

その時容量がかなりギリギリだったんでそっちが原因とは思うのだけど、いちおうアップできるか確認; 行けるか100件目?

Application Loader cashes some information

When I tried to upload my binary to AppStore using Application Loader, I got the error saying "Bundle identifier:***** differs from reserved bundle identifier:**** ".
At the first try, there really was an error. But even after checking carefully around info.plist or those related files and tried several times, I still get the same error.

After several trials, I've found that I'm overwriting the .ipa file when re-making the binary.
In general, using the same file name sometimes cause some kind of confusions because of cache effect or something.
So I, in my last try, just changed the name of .ipa and had it into Application Loader.
.... That's it. Upload successful.

But it's not understandable why it caches the information of overwritten archive file...

アプリをAppStoreに上げるべく、ApplicationLoaderで作業していたのだけど、"Bundle identifier:***** differs from reserved bundle identifier:**** ". というエラーが出てアップロードできない。

なぜだ・・・と思いつつふと気づいたのが、.ipa を作り直す際に、毎回上書きで保存していたという点。
ということで最後に .ipa の名前を変えてトライしたところ
