
Restore the state of MPMediaPickerController??

MPMediaPickerController の状態を復帰させる方法ってないのかしら?

毎回 picker を開くたびに「すべての曲」リストの一番上に戻されちゃうから不便なんですよね。少なくとも曲/アルバム/アーティストのカテゴリ選択くらいは復帰してほしい;

Are there any ways to restore the state of MPMediaPickerController??
MPMediaPickerController class doesn't seem to have the method to change the state of the picker.

Every time my app opens the picker it shows the top of the list of "all songs" regardless of your last operation on the picker. At least I want it to restore the category(songs/albums/artists) selection....