
Migrating to cocos2d 0.99

cocos2d 0.99.4 を導入してそれをベースにプロジェクト全体を構築し直したんですが、まぁわりと大仕事でした;

それはさておき、移行自体はだいたいcocos2dクラス名の頭に "CC" を付ければ良い。
AtlasSprite と AtlasAnimation だけはちょっと複雑だったけど、公式ドキュメントがかなり詳しくフォローしてくれてたので2時間強でなんとか移行完了(たぶん)。

It was a bit tough work to rebuild the project for newly installed cocos2d 0.99.4.
I believe it's unnecessary to do this, but I cannot think of any other possibility of having caused the crash in Apple's review.

Anyway, in migrating, most of the part is OK with adding "CC" to the cocos2d class names.
Only AtlasSprite and AtlasAnimation are a bit complex, but this official document is perfect and I was (seemingly) able to finish migrating in a couple of hours or so.