
iPhone-OSC system in action

I gave it a go with my iPhone(iPad)-OSC system in my last performance. I was so nervous because I couldn't assure its stability till the performance had finished.
The system is connected by ad-hoc Wi-Fi network with my iBook be the base station. Most of the time it's working well, but from time to time unknown disconnections took place and brought me heart attacks.

Besides the OSC related things, there were some other difficulty with iPhone/iPad themselves.
For example
* I have to be aware of battery remainder because I have to leave them awake all the time so that keep them connected to Wi-Fi (if you let them sleep it takes long time to reconnect!)
* I had to pay lots of attention when pick the device to show it to the audience because just a bit of touch on the screen may cause undesirable action of the App.

On reflection, as it's my first time to work with this system, so it'd be better to have begun with less critical kind of usage. This time it was very critical, that is, if it didn't work the whole performance might have been spoiled.

ライブで実際に iPhone(iPad) - OSC を絡めたシステムを運用してみましたが、まぁヒヤヒヤものもいいところ。
iBook から Wi-Fi ネットワークを立ち上げて接続しまして、基本的には安定して接続できてたんですが、時々急に不安定になったりするので最後まで不安が拭えませんでした。

あと OSC以外のところでは、iPhone/iPadそのものの取り回しがけっこう大変でした。
いちどつながったWi-Fi を切断したくないのでスリープはさせたくないがそうすると電池残量を気にしなきゃいけなかったりとか、オペレーションがタッチセンスのみ、しかもほぼ全面がタッチセンサなのでステージ上での取り回し上すごく気を遣う、とか;
